International Area
The increase in the mobility of companies makes it so that advising cannot be limited to the local level.
The objective of this area is to provide advice to companies that wish to establish themselves abroad or maintain relationships with foreign countries, whether through export or other types of commercial or business relationships.
- Advising on the relocation of workers abroad, or on hiring personnel in the destination country.
- Advising on the establishment of the company abroad with the most optimal legal proposal (permanent establishment, creation of a subsidiary, etc.)
- Advising on the operations of intra-community or extra-community exchanges and their taxation (import, export).
- Establishing companies abroad, with special attention to the Principality of Andorra.
- Management and processing of all types of permits, licenses, and declarations.
- Tenders.
Discover the person responsible for the Economic and Financial Area team.

Isabel Comella Gil
Partner – Lawyer – Mediator
Law graduate from UB. 25 years of experience as a lawyer in the commercial, civil, and criminal areas.
Civil, Commercial, and Family Mediator.

Jordi Massafret Torres
Partner – Economist
Economics graduate from UB. With 30 years of experience as a comprehensive business advisor, mainly in the economic-financial and tax area.

Maria Àngels Sampedro Lopez
Partner – Labor lawyer
Law graduate from UPF. 15 years of experience as a lawyer in the areas of Labor Law and Social Security.

Nuria Huete Carballo
Partner – Lawyer
Law graduate from UAB. More than 20 years of experience as a lawyer in civil and administrative law. Specialized in real estate law, successions (inheritances and wills), and urban planning.