We accompany you in the process of diagnosis, creation, implementation, and monitoring of the company’s Equality Plan.
We accompany you in the process of diagnosis, creation, implementation, and monitoring of the company’s Equality Plan.
Diagnosis: Planning, information gathering, analysis, and proposal presentation.
Programming: Development of the Equality Plan – Planning of the Plan (Objectives, actions, target groups, schedule, necessary resources, indicators, and evaluation techniques, monitoring …).
Implementation: Execution of the planned actions, communication, and monitoring and control.
Evaluation: Analysis of the results obtained and improvement recommendations.
Communication: Communication, information, and awareness to all company employees about the organization’s commitment to equality and the projected and carried out actions. External communication, information, and image, projecting the commitment acquired with equal opportunities between women and men.
Training: Ensuring specific training on equal opportunities and gender perspective.
Discover the person responsible for the Equality Plan team.